Source code for inginious.frontend.plugins.auth.ldap_auth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INGInious. See the LICENSE and the COPYRIGHTS files for
# more information about the licensing of this file.

""" LDAP plugin """

import logging
import ldap3
import flask

from flask import redirect
from ldap3.core.exceptions import LDAPException
from ldap3.utils.conv import escape_filter_chars

from import AuthenticationPage
from inginious.frontend.user_manager import AuthMethod

logger = logging.getLogger('inginious.webapp.plugin.auth.ldap')

[docs]class LdapAuthMethod(AuthMethod): """ LDAP auth method """ def __init__(self, id, name, imlink, settings): self._id = id self._name = name self._imlink = imlink self._settings = settings
[docs] def get_id(self): return self._id
[docs] def get_name(self): return self._name
[docs] def callback(self, auth_storage): return None
[docs] def get_settings(self): return self._settings
[docs]class LDAPAuthenticationPage(AuthenticationPage):
[docs] def GET(self, id): settings = self.user_manager.get_auth_method(id).get_settings() return self.template_helper.render("custom_auth_form.html", template_folder="frontend/plugins/auth", settings=settings, error=False)
[docs] def POST(self, id): # Get configuration settings = self.user_manager.get_auth_method(id).get_settings() login_data = flask.request.form login = login_data["login"].strip().lower() password = login_data["password"] # do not send empty password to the LDAP if password.rstrip() == "": return self.template_helper.render("custom_auth_form.html", template_folder="frontend/plugins/auth", settings=settings, error= _("Empty password")) try: # Connect to the ldap logger.debug('Connecting to ' + settings['host'] + ", port " + str(settings['port'])) if "bind_dn" in settings: bind_dn = {"user": settings["bind_dn"].format(login), "password": password} else: bind_dn = {} auto_bind = settings.get("auto_bind", True) conn = ldap3.Connection( ldap3.Server(settings['host'], port=settings['port'], use_ssl=settings["encryption"] == 'ssl', get_info=ldap3.ALL), auto_bind=auto_bind, **bind_dn) logger.debug('Connected to ' + settings['host'] + ", port " + str(settings['port'])) except LDAPException as e: logger.exception("Can't initialze connection to " + settings['host'] + ': ' + str(e)) return self.template_helper.render("custom_auth_form.html", template_folder="frontend/plugins/auth", settings=settings, error=_("Cannot contact host")) attr_cn = settings.get("cn", "cn") attr_mail = settings.get("mail", "mail") try: ldap_request = settings["request"].format(escape_filter_chars(login))["base_dn"], ldap_request, attributes=[attr_cn, attr_mail]) user_data = conn.response[0] except (LDAPException, IndexError) as ex: logger.exception("Can't get user data : " + str(ex)) conn.unbind() return self.template_helper.render("custom_auth_form.html", template_folder="frontend/plugins/auth", settings=settings, error=_("Unknown user")) if conn.rebind(user_data['dn'], password=password): try: email = user_data['attributes'][attr_mail] if isinstance(email, list): email = email[0] username = login realname = user_data["attributes"][attr_cn] if isinstance(realname, list): realname = realname[0] except KeyError as e: logger.exception("Can't get field " + str(e) + " from your LDAP server") return self.template_helper.render("custom_auth_form.html", template_folder="frontend/plugins/auth", settings=settings, error=_("Can't get field {} from your LDAP server").format(str(e))) except LDAPException as e: logger.exception("Can't get some user fields") return self.template_helper.render("custom_auth_form.html", template_folder="frontend/plugins/auth", settings=settings, error=_("Can't get some user fields")) finally: conn.unbind() if not self.user_manager.bind_user(id, (username, realname, email, {})): return redirect("/signin?binderror") auth_storage = self.user_manager.session_auth_storage().setdefault(id, {}) return redirect(auth_storage.get("redir_url", "/")) else: logger.debug('Auth Failed') conn.unbind() return self.template_helper.render("custom_auth_form.html", template_folder="frontend/plugins/auth", settings=settings, error=_("Incorrect password"))
[docs]def init(plugin_manager, _, _2, conf): """ Allow to connect through a LDAP service Available configuration: :: plugins: - plugin_module": "inginious.frontend.plugins.auth.ldap_auth", host: "", port: 0, encryption: "ssl", base_dn: "o=test,c=be", request: "(uid={})", name: "LDAP Login" *host* The host of the ldap server *encryption* Encryption method used to connect to the LDAP server Can be either "none", "ssl" or "tls" *request* Request made to the server in order to find the dn of the user. The characters "{}" will be replaced by the login name. """ encryption = conf.get("encryption", "none") if encryption not in ["none", "ssl", "tls"]: raise Exception("Unknown encryption method {}".format(encryption)) if encryption == "none": conf["encryption"] = None if conf.get("port", 0) == 0: conf["port"] = None the_method = LdapAuthMethod(conf.get("id"), conf.get('name', 'LDAP'), conf.get("imlink", ""), conf) plugin_manager.add_page('/auth/page/<id>', LDAPAuthenticationPage.as_view('ldapauthenticationpage')) plugin_manager.register_auth_method(the_method)